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My Trip to the London Scientology Church


My visit to the Church of Scientology was interesting to say the least. When arriving I noticed that it was directly next to a Christian Church, and I couldn’t help but think this was done on purpose to try and impose on another religion. Entering the Church we were greeted by an extremely softly spoken quiet young woman who had a European accent, Scandinavian I thought it was. She was extremely shy and made us sign in then wit for a tour guide.

While sitting and waiting I noticed the grandeur of the building, it was covered in white marble that gave off a feeling of extreme cleanliness. The whole place was so clean that it almost felt wrong. 

A women approached us and led us upstairs, she was loud bubbly and seemed very interested in us. She led us to the first floor where we were told was filled with lots of information points about the history of Scientology and other projects they have. 

The videos shown were very dated, looking as if it was made in powerpoint. However some of the live action pieces well extremely well shot and made. Watching a video on the purification centre we were shown a video of people all dressed the same in tennis gear all with perfect skin and bodies. It was extremely eerie and it felt like a propaganda film.

While walking around I caught a glimpse of a room. In this room was the title ‘Testing and Recruitment Centre’, it was furnished with metal tables and glass doors and glass walls. It looked like an government secret lab. 

We were then told that the 5 floors upwards were off limits which they did not give a reason for. We then left feeling very odd.
