For this project I created a publication detailing the dangers and victims of The Church of Scientology. My aim for this publication was to create an editorial piece that warns people of the danger that is Scientology, showing certain things that they do such as spying, blackmail and family separation, ultimately I wanted to show how controlling the 'religion' is, hence the name of my publication being 'Religion of Control'. As well as this I wanted to create reportage pages about some of the victims of Scientology and their stories. Also at the end of my publication I created a spot where I would put my Digital Adventures Zine about the insane story of Xenu that is in Scientology, I did this to show the reader how ridiculous Scientology really is, how it may seem like a do good religion but in reality it has silly stories with a controlling narrative. I think that my publication is successful in achieving what I wanted it to achieve. I used colours that are staples ...