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Political Cartoons


When looking at my project it is clear that what I am doing is a form of satire. As an art form and as a platform for political satire cartoons have given artists a voice and give leverage on what can be achieved in their illustrations. Often political cartoons over exaggerate features of the person or event that the artist is conveying. This has been done since publication was available in history. One of my favorite political cartoonists, Kevin Kallaugher creates work in what today is seen as a standard for political cartoons but you can see that he actually has very good illustrative skill. 

In his work he exaggerates the 'characters' features to make fun of them. I think this is something I should keep in mind when creating my work as I want to try and dehumanize these people to show how awful they are. I think that in my work also I need to try and stay away from obvious features that i could exaggerate but wont as they have specific racial/cultural history of portrayal. 
