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Evil People in History Research


Elizabeth Bathory

Bathory was a countess who lived in the Carpathian Mountains. She was one of the inspirations for Dracula. She was one of the most prolific serial killers in history having killed 650 girls. She believed that covering herself in human blood would keep her younger and fresher. She would make them eat their own flesh, drank their blood, cut off their hands, faces and private parts, burned them and bit into them. Her victims usually died of starvation, others were burned and some frozen to death. Truly evil human.

 Adolf Hitler
The chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and Fuhrer of the Nazi Party. Adolf Hitler was possibly the most knowledgeable, productive, and cruel dictator of them all. He was mainly accountable for the holocaust and the Second World War. He thought that the Jews were the source of all problems and set out to eradicate them. His actions ended in the death of over 50 million people.

Pol Pot

Pol Pot was a Cambodian Dictator, he turned Cambodia into a killing field, he is the only man in history to officially order a genocide of his own people. He declared that Buddhism, money, and all personal possessions would be banned. People were slaved, clubbed to death, hung and more. He made everyone work even elderly and pregnant women in dirty canals which in effect causes mass death of disease and cold. He ordered babies to be torn limb from limb, people were buried alive, people were stabbed to death with sharpened bamboo sticks. He liked to keep skulls of the people he killed. He killed about 25% of the population, about 3 million Cambodians died. 

Ivan the Terrible

Ivan was the first Tsar of Russia, he was cruel, brutal and merciless. When he was young he would kill animals by throwing them off of tall buildings. When Ivan became Tsar he became paranoid and thought he had enemies everywhere, he became obsessed with torturing and killing people he thought were his enemies, most of these people were innocent. He had his own personal torture chamber where he killed entire families. He would order hundreds of people to be mauled to death by bears and wolves, he would torture and kill people with his long staff. He ordered people to be beheaded, blinded, hung, burned, boiled, stabbed, strangled, disemboweled,  fried, buried alive and  impaled. He would also have peoples ribs removed with red hot pincers. Peasant girls were often whipped, raped and used for target practice. He died while playing chess.   

Idi Amin

Idi Amin was a dictator of Uganda. He promised to bring peace and prosperity to the country but instead he turned Uganda into a poverty stricken land with patrols of death squads. He would pit his people executing them and would show executions on live television. He tortured his own people even soldiers with sledgehammers and kept photos of them to 'laugh' at. He often buried people alive, he killed 4,000 people by throwing them in crocodile infested water. He cut flesh off his victims and made them eat it, he also ate it and publicly stated he was a cannibal and proud of it. He tortured one of his wives and sewed her limbs upside down. He was forced to exile in Saudi Arabia for the rest of his life, he died 25 years after having lived a peaceful life.


Emperor Nero, a Roman Emperor, was notoriously evil. He brought the Roman Empire to ruin by burning entire cities and it is said he watched it burn while he played the fiddle. He systematically killed every single one of his family members. Some were killed in boiling hot baths, he poisoned, stabbed, burned, boiled, crucified and impaled people.  He often raped women cutting off their veins and private parts of both men and women. He started the fires in Rome burning it to a crisp and blamed it on the Christians, he was so bad the Christians thought he was the anti-Christ. Nero committed suicide when he realized he was losing the rebellion and could not win.

Joseph Stalin

When Stalin was young he was a bank robber, an agitator and an assassin. He created a 30 year reign of terror. His plan was to create the Soviet Union into an industrial superpower country. People were sent to slave labors and were forced to work to death. He signed the death warrants of tens of thousands of people.He would order torturing and killings of popular figures and kill families and people that loved him. People were often killed with ice picks. He once said 'one death is a tragedy, a million deaths is simply a statistic.'. Stalins son died in a Nazi concentration camp after Stalin refused to trade for his life. 1.5 million German women were raped from the Soviet Union. Stalin killed 20 to 60 million people. He died in 1953 from a stroke.

Ilse Koch

Known as the Witch of Buchenwald, Ilse Koch is considered one of the worst villains of the Holocaust. A wife of the commandant of the Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald, Karl-Otto Koch, Ilse Koch was a nymphomaniac who tortured prisoners in the concentration camp. She became known for her extremely evil and sadistic behavior. She enjoyed beating the prisoners, forcing them to perform sexual activities, and even skinning those who had distinctive tattoos. She would then use the tattooed skin to cover her books in it.

Vlad The Impaler

Vlad the Impaler was also known as Vlad Dracula and is probably one of the most ruthless evil people in history. The character of Dracula was loosely based on Vlad, due to his cruel personality and evil acts done to the people of Wallachia, where he ruled as prince three times between 1448 to 1462 and killed about 20% of the population. There’s a reason why Vlad got the monicker “The Impaler” — he impaled lots of people. He impaled the victim through the buttocks till the stake came out of the mouth. His idea of “special” impalement was to insert the spike up the victim’s rectum or vagina, make sure it misses most of the vital organs, and let it come out through the shoulder. The victim will be then put up on the spike in the town square for everyone to see. And death would take a long time to come.
