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Digital Work Over The Summer

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Change Someone’s Day Final Work

  CLICK TO VIEW- Proposal

Scientology and the Separation of Family

  Statement from The Church  Scientologist can have trouble making spiritual progress in his auditing or training if he is connected to someone who is suppressive or who is antagonistic to Scientology or its tenets. All spiritual advancement gained from Scientology may well be lost because one is continually invalidated by an antagonistic person who wants nothing more than to do harm to the person. In order to resolve this situation, one either “handles” the other person’s antagonism with true data about Scientology and the Church or, as a last resort, when all attempts to handle have failed, one “disconnects” from or stops communicating with the person.

Visual Essay Evaluation

  For this project I created a publication detailing the dangers and victims of The Church of Scientology. My aim for this publication was to create an editorial piece that warns people of the danger that is Scientology, showing certain things that they do such as spying, blackmail and family separation, ultimately I wanted to show how controlling the 'religion' is, hence the name of my publication being 'Religion of Control'. As well as this I wanted to create reportage pages about some of the victims of Scientology and their stories. Also at the end of my publication I created a spot where I would put my Digital Adventures Zine about the insane story of Xenu that is in Scientology, I did this to show the reader how ridiculous Scientology really is, how it may seem like a do good religion but in reality it has silly stories with a controlling narrative.  I think that my publication is successful in achieving what I wanted it to achieve. I used colours that are staples ...

Reportage Artist Research

George Butler George Butlers work mostly focuses on war and the effect of war on civilians. He draws directly from location and gives a real representation of the area. Molly Crabapple

Visual Essay Final Work

CLICK TO VIEW Digital Publication Xenu Zine My digital Publication ends with a section where my Xenu Zine would be placed.

My Trip to the London Scientology Church

  My visit to the Church of Scientology was interesting to say the least. When arriving I noticed that it was directly next to a Christian Church, and I couldn’t help but think this was done on purpose to try and impose on another religion. Entering the Church we were greeted by an extremely softly spoken quiet young woman who had a European accent, Scandinavian I thought it was. She was extremely shy and made us sign in then wit for a tour guide. While sitting and waiting I noticed the grandeur of the building, it was covered in white marble that gave off a feeling of extreme cleanliness. The whole place was so clean that it almost felt wrong.  A women approached us and led us upstairs, she was loud bubbly and seemed very interested in us. She led us to the first floor where we were told was filled with lots of information points about the history of Scientology and other projects they have.  The videos shown were very dated, looking as if it was made in powerpoint. Howe...

Scientology Victims

  Tommy Gorman Tommy Gorman was born into Scientology. What got him out of Scientology was that his friend, Jennifer Stuart, who was 16 years old, she was told to stay with a man. He was very trained up in Scientology and he made them a lot of money for Scientology. Jennifer was raped for months, he used Scientology 'brainwashing' techniques and used Scientology to justify it. So Tommy called a higher up within the organisation, however he did not care. He then sends it off to another man who didn't care either, he thought that the man was a good guy. They constantly tried to justify it and lie about it, and try to cover it up. Scientology protected the man. Tommy luckily had her hidden with his family and protect her from Scientology. Eventually the man was convicted but he only went to jail for 9 months. Katie Holmes Katie Holmes escaped Scientology using a disposable phone to plan with divorce lawyers, hiring three different firms in three different states and renting a ...